Our Church
Our chosen name, The All Sum’ness of God Christian Church (ASGCC), was given to Pastor Virginia by God; as it emphasizes and acknowledges Jesus as The All Sum’ness; whole, complete and fullness of God in the flesh; the God Head bodily; the exact representation of God; and that all things were created by Him, and for Him: and He is before all things and by Him all things consist… (Colossians 1:15-20).
As being saints of God, we at ASGCC are seasoned in our faith, clothed in love and endowed with Holy Spirit. We believe that God has uniquely positioned us to do remarkable things in building up and extending His Kingdom in these latter days. Holding to that belief, we are mindful that the foundation we are building must be rooted and grounded in His Word.
When we reach out to others, we are hopeful that our life, where the fullness of Jesus dwells will be encouragement for others to live their lives “Living to Live Again”; which is our mission. As we move forward in our mission, we believe each day is a unique opportunity for ASGCC to lay strong roots for generations to come, endeavoring to serve and elevate Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God.
Church History
Pastor Virgina Perry-Aldridge,
Pastor Virginia Perry-Alexander,
On August 31, 2010, as a group of saints with a purpose, under a bond of Christian love and fellowship we began meeting for Tuesday night Bible Study in the home of and under the leadership of Minister Virginia Perry-Alexander. A year later, The All Sum’ness of God Christian Church (ASGCC) was birth and formally organized as a church and officially began worshipping under the church name on July 24, 2011.
A week later, the first invitation for membership was extended. These members became the founding members of The All Sum’ness of God Christian Church: Deacon Leroy Simonson, Sister Tonecia Porter, Deacon Damon McGill and his lovely wife Sister Kimberly McGill.
Since its inception, the Church has gone through various stages, the most notable is our shift from worshipping in a physical church building to becoming an online church due to societal changes since the 2020 COVID Pandemic.